UDR Network
Regrant Program RFP
Apply Now!
The Upper Delaware River Network’s regrant program aims to sustain and enhance fish and wildlife habitat; improve and maintain water quality for fish, wildlife and people; sustain and enhance water management to benefit fish and wildlife; and improve outdoor recreational opportunities within the Upper Delaware River watershed in New York State. Through this program, three to five grants ranging in size from $30,000 - $100,000 will be awarded. It is anticipated that up to $232,500 in funding is available for the 2024 grant round.
These grants will be awarded to non-profit organizations; federal, state, interstate and local governments; Tribal governments and organizations; and educational institutions who have received funding through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund to implement voluntary, on-the ground projects that achieve the goals of the Delaware River Basin Restoration Program Framework to: 1. Sustain and enhance fish and wildlife habitat; 2. Improve and maintain water quality for fish, wildlife, and people; 3. Sustain and enhance water management to benefit fish and wildlife; and 4. Improve outdoor recreational opportunities.
This program is administered by Friends of the Upper Delaware River (FUDR).
Question 1:
Q: Is there a cap on indirect expenses?
A: Yes - the cap is 15%
The Upper Delaware River (UDR) Network Steering Committee is charged with administering the distribution of regrant funds provided by the State of New York in their annual budget process to develop and implement a comprehensive watershed planning effort in the UDR watershed.
As part of this commitment, the UDR Network Steering Committee will administer a community based “re-grant program” where a portion of the annual state funding will be awarded as pass-through grants to qualified recipients to implement on the ground projects that advance the watershed protection and restoration goals of the program.
The regrant program awards will closely follow the goals and objectives of the UDRN Action Agenda and the federal Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund (DWCF).
Purpose Statement:
The goal of the re-grant program is to advance the watershed protection and conservation in the UDR Watershed by implementing the goals outlined in the Action Agenda and to provide matching funds for the federal Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund (DWCF).
Qualified Applicants:
Eligible applicants include: non-profit 501(c) organizations; federal, state, interstate, local and municipal governments, Tribal governments and organizations, and educational institutions.
Applications are due by October 18, 2024, conditional awards made by November 22, 2024. These projects will be submitted to the NYS DEC for inclusion in the 2025 contract. No awards are considered final until the contract between FUDR and the NYSDEC is signed.

Application Content
Project Title
Is the project located entirely within the Upper Delaware River Watershed in New York State? If no, this project is not eligible for this funding.
This funding MUST BE spent in 2025. Are you prepared to do that? If no, this project is not eligible for this funding.
Have you received an award for this project from the Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund? If no, your project is not eligible.
Grant ID number from National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
Project Description - 3500 chars max.
Total Project Budget
Funding Request
Match funding. Describe the funding package for the entire project. How will you proceed if you do not receive all of the anticipated funding? Max 1000 chars.
Project Location. Can be address, GIS coordinates, written description.
How does this advance one or more of the conservation goals of the UDR Network Action Agenda? (Habitat, Water Quality, Flood Mitigation, Recreation) See the draft Action Agenda Here. Up to 20 points. Max 750 chars.
Does this project incorporate cross program activities? (engage the public, consider strategic planning, increase scientific capacity, conserve areas of regional significance). Up to 10 points. Max 750 chars.
The project should be shovel-ready. Has landowner/ public buy-in. What permits are needed? Are they all in place? Do you have landowner approval in place? Please outline the project work plan and timeline. Up to 20 points. Max 1000 chars.
What are the community and ecological needs and benefits? Up to 20 points. Max 500 Chars.
Is the project named in the UDR Watershed Action Agenda? 5 points if yes
Is the project named in another state, regional, or local plan? 5 points if yes.
If it is in another plan, please name the plan here.Name the project partners, roles, and qualifications here. Strong projects will have all of the partners on board to support implementation in the contract period and to demonstrate project support from the community and landowners. Up to 10 points. Max 1000 chars.
Describe how this project considers Justice, Equity, Diversity, and/or Inclusion in the project area. Applicants should all include a narrative, but supporting uploads from EJ mapping tools or other relevant resources are welcome uploads. Up to 5 points. Max 500 chars.
Upload Project Budget
Optional Uploads - letters of support, designs, photos, permits, etc. Up to 5 points for projects that provide documentation of project support and readiness.