2024 UDR Rendezvous Presentations NY/PA Tailwaters Trout Management Plan UpdateNYC DEP Aqueduct Repair Review and UpdatesWhat’s a “Bioblitz” and Why is it Important in the UDR?Four Decades of Struggle: Negotiating Delaware River Water FlowsOn the Trail of Snails in the Upper Delaware RiverThe U.S. Geological Survey Next Generation Water Observing System in the Delaware River BasinExamining How Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Communities Respond to Thermal Gradients within Tailrace Reaches of the Upper Delaware BasinPlaying the Infrastructure Long GameTrout and Toxics on the Upper Delaware BasinScience and Data Collection Efforts in the UDR WatershedConserving Land for Water QualityEnvironmental Justice in the UDRCommunity Foundation of South Central New YorkNYS Department of HealthNYS Department of StateNYS Department of Environmental ConservationNYS Office of Homes and Community RenewalUSDA Rural DevelopmentUS Fish and Wildlife ServiceState and Federal Funding, Financing, and Resources for Municipal Infrastructure