Bringing partners together to improve our watershed.

The Network.

With funding support from New York State (NYS) and in partnership with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, the Upper Delaware River (UDR) Network is a collaborative effort to bring together stakeholders and interested parties to develop a vision for the future of the UDR watershed in New York. Water quality, habitat protection, recreational opportunities, and addressing the impacts of climate change are the primary strategic goals of the Network and a core objective is to identify on-the-ground projects and seek funding to achieve these goals.

The network seeks to organize a wide diversity of watershed stakeholders in the implementation of practices and projects that address climate change, water quality, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities. 

The UDR Network (“the network”) is administered by Friends of the Upper Delaware River and is modeled after other successful watershed partnerships that take a non-regulatory approach to conservation. It is voluntary, incentive driven, and builds upon existing collaborative efforts by many diverse partners. 

UDR Rendezvous

The Upper Delaware River (UDR) Rendezvous will bring together the many partners working to improve the UDR Watershed! The Rendezvous is designed to promote collaboration among researchers, practitioners, community and municipal leaders, nonprofits, funders, and other watershed stakeholders engaged in exciting work in the watershed.

Learn more about the Action Agenda.

Developed in 2023, this plan will guide our work for the next 10 years!